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Peacefair Manufacturer PZEM-026 Single Phase High Volt 40-400V AC Ampere Panel Meter Digital Voltmeter Ammeter

  • Category:AC digital display meter
  • Views:599Times
  • Release date:2023-02-20 17:50
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Product Type:AC Voltage Ampere Meter
Product Model:PZEM-026
Product Function:
Measure AC voltage、ampere and display with LCD.

Measurement range:
Measurement range: 40~400V
Display format:<100V display such as:80.0V
≥100V display such as:220V
Accuracy: ±1%
Measurement range: 0~100A
Display format: <10A display such as:1.00A
<100A display such as:10.0A
≥100A display such as:100A
Starting measurement:0.02A
Accuracy: ±1%

Product picture:

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Address: No.962, Minshu Road, Jiangshan Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Tel: 86-0574 88466521
Fax: 86-0574 88466891