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Peacefair PZEM-013/015 0-200V 10A,50A,100A,200A,300A Discharge Impedance Internal Resistance Capacity DC Energy Meter Watt Meter Li-ion Battery Test

  • Category:Battery Tester
  • Views:2498Times
  • Release date:2023-02-15 02:06
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Product Type:Multifunction Battery Tester

Product Model:PZEM-013/015

Product Function:

This document describes the specification of the PZEM-013/015 DC multifunction battery tester, this meter is mainly used to test all kinds of battery’s voltage、discharge current、discharge power、discharge impedance、internal resistance、capacity、SOC、energy、 running time, and display the measurement data through LCD screen.

PZEM-013: Measuring Range 10A (Built-in Shunt)

PZEM-015: Measuring Range 300A (use external shunt, can matched with 50A, 100A, 200A, 300A four kinds of shunt).


Measurement range:

  1. Voltage

Measuring range: 0-200V. (when the test voltage is <8V, please use the independent power supply mode)

Minimum resolution:0.01V

The starting test voltage: 0.05V

Measurement accuracy:1%      

  1. Current

Measuring range: 0-10A. (Type: PZEM-013)

0-300A(Type: PZEM-015) can set 50A, 100A, 200A,300A four range depend on the external shunt, the factory   default is 100A.

Minimum resolution: 1mA

The starting test current: 10mA(Type: PZEM-013)

                      20mA(Type: PZEM-015)

Measurement accuracy:1%      

  1. Power

Measuring range: 0-2000W (Type: PZEM-013)

0-60000W(Type: PZEM-015).

Minimum resolution: 0.01W

The starting test power: 0.1W (Type: PZEM-013)

0.2W (Type: PZEM-015)

Measurement accuracy:1%

  1. Impedance

Impedance=Voltage/ Current

Measuring range: 0-1000Ω

   When over the test range or the current is zero, it display “---”

Minimum resolution: 0.1Ω

Measurement accuracy:1%

  1. Internal Resistance

Internal resistance= (Full voltage – Bring load voltage) / Bring load current, when the bring load voltage is larger than the maximum voltage, the internal resistance is zero. 

Measuring range: 0-999mΩ

Display format: 999mΩ, when over the test range or the current is zero, it display “---”.

Minimum resolution: 1mΩ

Measurement accuracy:1%

Note: Before you test the internal resistance, you should preset the full voltage depend on the battery type, after it is fully charged you can use it to test; if you do not fully charge it, you can set the battery without load voltage is the full voltage, then test; the internal resistance is not a fixed value, the more the battery discharged, the bigger the resistance.

  1. Capacity

Measuring range: 0-1000AH 

Minimum resolution: 1mAH

Measurement accuracy:1%

Note: Battery capacity testing is a cumulative process of discharge current versus time, it need some time, the time is depend on the discharge current; before you test the capacity, you should preset the full voltage and the cut-off voltage depend on the battery type, after it is fully charged you can use it to the discharge test; When the dump energy display blank, it means the discharge is over, this capacity display value is the battery’s capacity.

  1. SOC

SOC is display via the battery symbol, totally 10 grids, every grid present 10% energy.

SOC is calculated via the current battery voltage value, before test you should preset the full voltage and the cut-off voltage depend on the battery type; every grid voltage = (the highest voltage – the lowest voltage) / 10.

  1. Energy

Measuring range: 0~9999kWh

   Over the test range will become zero. 

Minimum resolution: 1Wh

Measurement accuracy:1%

Note: 1Wh=0.001kWh=0.001 Kilowatt

  1. Running time

Measuring range: 0 ~ 999 hour (without load the time will not accumulate)

   Over the test range will become zero. 


Product picture:



Contact us

Address: No.962, Minshu Road, Jiangshan Town, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Tel: 86-0574 88466521
Fax: 86-0574 88466891